CVTC provides non-aversive behavior support services rooted in applied behavior analysis. Our processes for skill assessment, goal development, training, and data tracking have consistently proven successful at reducing or eliminating behaviors that interfere with an individual’s ability to achieve their full potential. The foundation of our success begins with the assessment of functional skill levels. This assessment enables us to develop specific, measurable and attainable goals for our clients to work towards. Goals are then broken down into specific steps for training, reinforcing, and monitoring.

To ensure consistency and quality in our services, we utilize Structured Teaching Environments Promoting Success (STEPS) to provide an environment that is conducive to the learning styles of people with developmental disabilities. STEPS provides understandable expectations, directions, activities, and independent access to surroundings through the use of pictures, icons, colors, and classroom/environmental arrangement. For people with sensory barriers and deficits, such as persons with autism, Pathways offers a sensory environment where Individualized activities are designed around and paired with the individual’s sensory needs.

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